
Rocío returns to her town to reunite with her mother Alba, whom she thought had died years ago during the war. These two women try to rebuild their relationship in the middle of a town that lives in an atmosphere of constant anxiety in the face of the latent tension of a war that threatens to return. The violence will finally explode and Alba’s disappearance will leave Rocío alone again and faced with the decision to leave and leave everything, or stay and defend what little she has left at the risk of losing her life.

Camila Rodríguez Triana

(Cali, 1985) She is a visual artist and filmmaker. She graduated from the Faculty of Integrated Arts of the Universidad del Valle (2008) in Colombia and completed a Master of Cinema and Contemporary Art at Le Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts Contemporains (2019), in France, where she obtained a mention for her commitment and plastic development and the award for best installation Des Amis du Fresnoy, Panorama 21. She has complemented her studies with workshops on documentary and project development given in places such as the Universidad del Valle in Colombia and the San Antonio Film and Television School in The Baths, Cuba.

El canto del auricanturi

DIRECTED BYCamila Rodríguez Triana
PRODUCED BYmutokino (Colombia) y Gema Films (Argentina)
SCRIPTCarlos Andrés Medina
DOPConstanza Sandoval
EDITINGFelipe Guerrero
SOUND DESIGNRoberta Ainstein


Atentamente (2016)

Interior (2017)

En cenizas (2018)